Histories for Taliesin

(Part 1 of 6)

I’ve lived long years, and seen
many battles, between our own,
and with barbarians, in chaos.

I saw that crime, with Constans
Pendragon betrayed, his little
brothers, Uther and Ambrosius,
across the water. The kingdom,
no leader, was swallowed in war.
Vortigern of Gwent led troops
against all countries for control,
killing the innocent. With quick
violence, he seized the crown,
slaughtered the nobles, and put
the kingdom into submission.

But those allied by blood to
the brothers, offended, set fire
to the cities of this bad luck
prince, assaulted his kingdom
with their harsh armies, and let
him have no chance of peace.
Uneasy, at this rebellion, he
invited men from far nations
so he could face his enemies.

The Book of Merlin


U. S. Rivers  -  A Choral Reading
